PsYachTrance vol. 7! with Djane Naima!
Yacht Club, Brno
Kolejní 2835/6, 612 00 Brno
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~FLAG SHIP OFFICERS~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫ Main Stage ♪♫♪♫♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫
♫ Djane ♫
Naima { Sangoma Records }☯Austria - Wien☯
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♫ Dj´s ♫
Klangmassaker { Soundlab Pirates } ☯Austria - Wien☯
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Gubo { 2 mushrooms Records }☯Slovakia - Bratislava/Košice☯
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D.M.O. { 2mushrooms/h-s-f } ☯Slovakia - Piestany☯
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ShivaTrance { FOrSageOne Records } ☯Czech rep. - Brno☯
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Psychoteek { ShivaCrew } ☯Czech rep. - Brno☯
Mixxo { PsyTronic squad } ☯Slovakia - Piestany☯
Cickok { PsyTronic squad } ☯Czech rep.☯
.٠••●♪♫ Main stage Line up ♫♪●••٠.
+ 20:00 - 21:00 Shivatrance
+ 21:00 - 22:00 Cickok
+ 22:00 - 23:00 Psychoteek
+ 23:00 - 01-00 Gubo
+ 01:00 - 03:00 NAIMA
+ 03:00 - 04:30 KLANGMASSAKER
+ 04:30 - 06:30 D.M.O.
+ 06:30 - 08:00 Mixxo
♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♪♫♪♫ Chill out stage ♪♫♪♫♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫
ShivaTrance one man show! { FOrSageOne Records } ☯Czech rep. - Brno☯
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Poly G { - } ☯Czech rep. - Praha☯
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Kashmir { (Mimo-TV } ☯Czech rep. - Praha☯
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Jirik { ForSageOne } ☯Czech rep. - Brno☯
DWO { - } ☯Czech rep. - Brno☯
And one moore surprise! :)
.٠••●♪♫ Chillout stage Line up ♫♪●••٠.
+ 20:00 - 22:00 DWO
+ 22:00 - 24:00 Kashmir
+ 24:00 - 02:00 ShivaTrance
+ 02:00 - 04-00 Jiřík
+ 04:00 - 06:00 ==SurprisE==
+ 06:00 - 08:00 Poly_G
+ 08:00 - 12:30 ???? who can !!! ????
☮☮☮O dekoráciu hlavného stagu sa nám opäť postará:☮☮☮
☮☮☮Decoration on main stage will be again by:☮☮☮
★★★Psytronicsquad decos!★★★
☮☮☮O dekoráciu chilloutu sa nám opäť postará:☮☮☮
☮☮☮Decoration on chill out stage will be again by:☮☮☮
★★★Shivadeco team!★★★
++ PsyTronic squad present: PsYachTrance volume 7 !
++ Special guests:
++ Djane NAIMA { Austria/Wien/Sangoma records }
++ Klangmassaker { Austria/Wien/Soundlab Pirates }
~~~~~~~~~~~FLAG SHIP OFFICERS DETAILS~~~~~~~~~~~
.٠••●♪♫ Djane Naima♫♪●••٠.
Sarah Naima vyrastala v starom hipíckom prostredí v neobyčajne hudobne založenej rodine. Tato láska a zmysel pre hudbu sa u nej objavili už vo veľmi mladom veku.
Už v 6 rokoch začala hrať na klávesoch a od tej doby jej túžba po hudbe stále rastie.
V roku 1996 sa prvý krát stretla s elektronickou muzikou. Od tej doby sledovala mnoho rôznych štýlov na scéne s veľkým entuziazmom, až do doby, kedy sa stretla s Psychadelickou scénou, čo bolo v roku 2003.
Od tej doby sa drží psy scény a veľmi si zamilovala tento druh hudby. Všetka ta energia a všetky inšpiratívne , magické miesta a ľudia okolo nej.
Dj-ingu sa začala seriózne venovať v roku 2009 a vo svojich setoch predstavuje psychadelické zvuky, mystické a veľmi hlboké tóny na farebnú noc alebo energetické rána.
Svoj štýl a výber hudby pre svoje sety si vyberá podľa miesta a atmosféry v ňom, energie ktorá ho obklopuje ale samozrejme aj na čaše, ktorom hrá.
Jej hlavný cieľom je zobrať ľudí na magickú hudobnú plavbu s poriadnymi psychadelickými vibráciami!
V posledných rokoch hrala na niekoľko medzinárodných párty a na zopár najlepších festivalov v Európe a Ázii ako sú Experience - Thajsko, Belantara - Malaysia, Midnightsun Festival- Nórsko ,Antaris Festival - Nemecko, MO:DEM Festival - Chorvátsko, Freqs of Nature Festival -Nemecko, VuuV - Festival - Nemecko, Blackmoon Festival -Taliansko, Transahara – Maroko ,Kosmos Festival – Fínsko ,Spiritual Ritual Festival - Nepál a na mnoho ďalších úžasných festivalov a indoor party.
Naima vystupuje pod vydavateľstvom Sangoma Records.
Taktiež hráva live acty s Jaragomim a od roku 2012 vystupujú spolu pod Blue Hour Sounds record.
Klangmassaker je mentálne spojenie dvoch mladých mužov, ich pestrofarebné a vizionárske dobrodružstvo produkujúce silný a do extázi prinášajúci – šialenosťou posadnutý - psytrance.
Shivatrance projekt bol vytvorený v roku 2002. Je to nová manifestácia hudobného šamanizmu spojeného s elektronickou hudbou. Ich produkcia siaha od chill-outu a ambient zvukov cez atmosféru dvíhajúci až k astrálnym vybráciam smerujúci trance a psytrance štýl, ovplyvnený svetovou hudbou. Shivanam je pôvodca Shivatrancu, jeho členom sa podarilo dostať do inej galaxie. V tomto inom svete skončil Shivanam, a začal Shivatrance! Taktiež BPM sa rozhodlo spolupracovať s touto myšlienkou a zvýšilo sa k 130 BMP až plynulo prešlo k dnešnej tanečnej scéne , k tvrdým a nekompromisným beatom, do ktorého sa zapájajú živé nástroje.
Čo môžete počuť v živej produkcii – živý aliquot a hrdelný spev, upravené hlasy, gitaru, didžarita, arabskú tarabuku, elektronické klávesy, živé efekty a mnoho ďalšieho! Taktiež nám niekedy vypomáhajú niektorý z našich hosťov: (David Synák (Čankišou), Mc Barry (Jamajka))
D.M.O. alias Demo. Toto meno netreba asi veľmi veľa predstavovať :) . Demo sa stretol zo psytrance scénou v období 1998-99 a v roku 2000 už hral na prvej párty. Od vtedy hral na veľa slovenských, českých ale i zahraničných akciách. Pravidelne hráva v Rakúsku a Nemecku. Taktiež viacero akcií sám organizoval. Jeho ranný full-on/progresive rozhodne stojí za vypočutie.
.٠••●♪♫Djane Naima♫♪●••٠.
Sarah Naima grew up in an old hippi environment and extraordinary musical family, these love and sensitivity for the music came quite early in her life.
Already at the age of 6 she started playing keyboard and since then her passion for music grew steady.
In the year 1996 she came in touch with electronic music for the first time.
Since then she has been following many different styles in the electronic scene with big enthusiasm until she made the experience of a Psychedelic- Trance Party in the year 2003.
Naima was instantly hooked with this scene and she fell deeply in love with the music, the energy and all these inspiring, magical places and people surrounding her.
Naima started her journey as a DJ seriously 2009, in her sets she symbolize psychedelic sounds, mystical & powerful deep tunes for colourful nights or energetic mornings.
The style and the kind of music she chooses for her Sets depends on the atmosphere and energy around but also on the setting and at which time she plays.
Her aim is to take people on a mystical-musical-journey with real psychedelic qualities and vibes.
During the last years Naima has played on several international parties&and some of the best Festivals all over Europe and Asia like Experience - Thailand,Belantara - Malaysia, Midnightsun Festival- Norway,Antaris Festival - Germany,MO:DEM Festival - Croatia,Freqs of Nature Festival - Germany,VuuV - Festival - Germany,Blackmoon Festival -Italy,Transahara - Marocco,Kosmos Festival - Finnland,Spiritual Ritual Festival-Nepal and on many other fascinating festivals and indoor parties.
Naima is signed as a Label - DJ for Sangoma Records.
She has also a Liveact with Jaramogi, since 2012 they are signed to Blue Hour Sounds.
KLANGMASSAKER is the mental fusion of two young men´s colorful & adventurous visions of producing powerful & ecstatic - to freak out dedicated - psytrance.
Shivatrance has originated in 2002. It is a new manifestation of musical shammanism together with electronic. Their production spreads from chill-out and ambient sound and atmosphere up to the astral vibrations in trance and psytrance style, influenced by world music.
It is a filiation of the group Shivanam, the members has expanded here their own approach in another dimension. In other words – where Shivanam ends, Shivatrance begins. Also BPM corresponds to this idea, Shivatrance links to a speed 130 BPM and fluently passes over today´s dance scene to the hard and uncompromising beat, which responds to live played instruments.
What can you hear in the live production – live aliquot and throaty voices, MC´s, effects from sampler, guitar, tabla, percussion, rattles, didgeridoo, latin conga´s, arabic tarabuka, electric pads, live effects and grooves. And also guests who sometimes participate on this project (David Synák (Čankišou), Mc Barry (Jamajka)). Mc Priest, They all broaden out the possibilities which the music can give us.
Gubo is Branislav Gubeliny, a 35 year-old Dj from Košice which is the second biggest city in Slovakia. He has been a Dj since the year 2001, but got already addicted to Psytrance in 1999.
Without any doubts,he can be called one of the founders of Psy Trance culture in eastern Slovakia. He had started to organize parties in his city and slowly this resulted in the psychedelic scene Košice is nowadays known for. After two years (2001) he decided that he doesn't only wants to consume but as well to serve this music to people by playing as a Dj.
The secrets of mixing were shown him by one of the best techno Djs in Slovakia at that period of time, Roland Kadela, who led him to perfect, precise and flawless mixing skills.
It didn't take long and Gubo started to be known across whole Slovakia and became one of the most wanted and booked Djs of Slovakia. Further on, his skills took him abroad. He has performed in countries like Germany, Spain, Great Britain, Austria, Czech Republic, Poland, Ukraine and many more.
Define his style as Full On Psychedelic Trance with pumping fat bass and kicks. Combined with all his favourite melodies, it will make you dance as a hell.
After 10 years acting as a DJ , he decided to move further on and wanted to create some own music. With Dusan Dubovec created new Full-On Psytrance project named SOUNDSCRIPT.
D.M.O. called Demo. This name is good known in psytrance scene! He made his fist contact with psytrance in years 1998-99 and in 2000 he played on first party! After that he played on many Slovakian and Czech psytrance parties. He regularly played on parties in Austria and Germany! He also organized many parties! His morning full-on/progressive style is something you really must to hear!
Na prvom poschodí Yacht klubu, kde bude situovaný chillout, Vám okrem čajovne, kde budú k dispozícii nápoje a čaj a rôzne iné jedlá a maškrtky, budú čakať aj madrace na príjemné oddych a relaxáciu po náročnej vesmírnej ceste. Chillout stage plánujeme ponechať otvorený v nedeľu do 12-tej hodiny! Ponúkané jedlá budú vo vegetariánskom štýle!
Všetky jedlá a čajovňa budú v réžii
-== Mishky Delic ==-
A taktiež aj takéto super klobúky
-==účková-víla-mushroom-fairy/1615307825380738?fref=ts ==-
Upstairs on chillout stage will be not only a tea shop with cold tea and some food also, but you can expect a mattress where you can rest and chill after a long space journey! The chillout stage will be opened to 12 hours in Sunday!
All food will be without meat!
All foods and teas will be preparing
-== Mishka Delic ==-
And also this great heads!
-==účková-víla-mushroom-fairy/1615307825380738?fref=ts ==-
170 CZK / 7 €, po 23:00 200 CZK / 8 €