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Mr. Peculiar interview

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When and how did you start with composing your own music and psytrance in particular ?

I started way back in the early 80’s with hip hop and breakbeat souds……you konw……grafffiti .....break dancing and things simialr to that.I went to a trance party somtime around the early nintys and i was blown away with the sounds i heard …….i had to make music like what i had heard………i was intrigued about the technology and the quality of the sounds that night ……….it changed my life completly

How many tracks have you approximately made over the time since then ?

I would say at least 200 musical peices since then that i would be happy to play in front of an audience ………….saying that ……some times i wouldnt play a certain track for whatever reason …….but i have so many bits and pieces that will never be heard……its impossible to calculate such a number, but 200 sounds good to me now

What kind of hardware / software did you use for making "Elements" and how has that evolved since then ?

In the making of my album ELEMENTS ……i used a very baisic setup …….its evolved a lot since then …….but originaly i was using reason as it seemed to me to be the first user freindly program that came close to the studio environment i was used to………….I have since changed my veiws about computer music and have evolved to other music programs such as logic audio. Recycle and a miriad of other programs to cut,rearrange and twist sounds beyond their origanal form.

What kind of non-psy music did you like over the years and what you still enjoy listening today…

I have enjoyed almost all forms of psy music over my short lifespan ……..its really hard for me to name any as there has been influences coming from everywhere……..sitting here now i can hear a lawnmower outside ……..it has no beats but it still evolves as the lawn gets constantly shorter …………..sorry
The question was about non psy

I think my answer was appropriate…………i like any kind of sound as long as it doesnt have a bad vocal track over the top. A good vocal can work in the right places though
My listening range moves from full on ambient with no beats at all ……to chill out hardcore shit that messes with your head ……to me ……thats what life is about ……..experiences

What are your favourite psytrance projects ?

This is a tricky question for me as i am constantly absorbed by psysounds and i hear a lot of music at every party i either play at or just go to enjoy.
But i like my full on sounds…….not dark …..but melodic full on morning…..here comes the sun …..lets enjoy this life sounds…………i dont wanna be sitting in the corner saying to myself …….what the fuck is this………life is about having fun …….so
Its difficult for me to say
To name a few of the artists i have been enjoying latley
Star x for that morning joy
I hate to say it BUT G.M.S for that ……let s fucking bust it and dance our asses off feeling allthough we all know its getting a little old now
Serious Isness………a husbband and wife team that have been ripping my ears up for the last few months
And the young lad eskimo …………great production this young lad has and im not suprised
I am quite aware that my choices sound pretty commercial …….but i could care less ……they are commercial because they are good at what they do
Im not about to start on politics
Thats not what were here for
Were here to have enjoy ourselves
And thats the sort of sound that makes me feel good
But dont get me wrong ………….i like all styles of psy and belive every style has its place
Im just bad at remebering names and since i dont collect ……im sure im missing many of my favs.

It looks as you are that genuine traveller who likes experiencing different cultures by "blending in".. When did you start travelling and what greater tours you have made so far ?

I seem to have grown to travelling without actually reallizing it
I used to be pretty relaxed at home not worrying or even thinking about the rest of the world
But somthing changed for me that i cant explain ………..once i had a taste for experiencing new things and new ways of thinking ……..ive totaly opened my mind to it
Now i couldnt turn back
Both Japan and portugal have been the most inspiring so far …….but that cause ive had quite a bit of time spent in both places ………i find it hard to pick one .,……same as music
Its all part of my life experience.

What was your original profession ?

I was originaly a potter …….in a ceramic workshop making many pots…..plates…..bowls….ect…..ect….ect…….id rather not think about it …..hehehhe

I have noticed you are keen and skillful painter… What kind of visual art or films are your favorites ?

Favorite films would have to be (in no order)
Dark crystal
Resivior dogs
The wizards (if you can find this ill be suprized but its an amazing animation film)
Lord of the rings triogy
Sex and ZEN (for japanese freaky shit …….heheh)
And so many more that i am unable to dig from the depths of my brain.

You have just spend some time in Japan. What was new to you about Japan itself and their psytrance gatherings ?

I wasnt really suprised this time ny the partys there as it had been my 4th time there …………but this time the more spirutal things seemed to find their way into my travels …..such as temples…..and mystical ancient things that i knew were there but i never got a chance to see…………..no doubt ill have a completly different veiw when i go back.

What are your impressions from CZ so far ?

Ive really enjoyed my time here so far
Ive met some really nice people that have given me nothing but positive energy
It really seems to be a family here …….not only in the psy scene but acrosss all genres of music.
Everyone seems to get along rather well and its really refreshing for me to see such a great community of people coming together from all styles of music
Sounds peculiar to some
But its just right in my opinion …..

What are your plans for the near and further future ?

In the near future i will be travelling across the globe untill the new year when i will return to australia ……..i will be releaseing a long awaited second album and hopfully in the distant future i can be as famous as micheal jackson ……HEHEHE
Errrr……..im not really sure about the long future but as long as im having a good time and the smile is on my face …….well…….ill be happy

01.07.2004 | perplex | novinky