VA - Chillbasics Vol. 1 - Carving Mirages

Zajímavá chilloutová kompilace za účasti několika českých projektů vyšla na labelu Chillbase. Z akcí jistě znáte naše hudební projekty Mythematica, Ambientium, FatCat a ZKA4T. Obal ke kompilaci navrhnul Embryo. A to nejlepší na tom je, že je k dispozici zdarma ke stažení.
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Official promo text
Evanescent illusions, a vanishing point on the horizon. Illusive artisans forging the intangible against the edge of consciousness. Carving Mirages is the first installment of the new Chillbasics compilation series. An invitation for you to enter the dream and experience the oasis with some of the best new artists in the world of Psychill today. Enjoy!
01. Mythematica - Nam Bandara
02. Field Rotation - Zeitreise
03. Ambientium - The Balance
04. Reii - Bleep
05. Note - Everyday Basis
06. Fat Cat - AliensPlay
07. Atombased - Perplexed
08. AstroPilot - Tree Of The Perception
09. Alkor - One Day Above the Clouds
10. ZKA4T - History For Sale
11. bOb tracKer - UIS 555
12. Oddi - Rebirth
13. Xerxes - One-Oh-Three (Timeless Edit)
14. Hybrid Leisureland - Space Light
Illustration by Daniel Spacek
Compiled By Ambientium, Atom Based, Evan Munn, Mythematica
Mastered By Matous Godik (